Gab on vacation in Morocco sitting on a bench

Morocco, Moose & Momming!

I traveled to Morocco last month for an adventurous vacation and it was unlike anywhere I've ever been! My mother is French so I've been to oodles of places outside of the US but never anything even close to Morocco. 
When we arrived I was really struck by the palm trees everywhere; I think of Morocco as a desert so that really surprised me. The camels did not!
We stayed in Marrakesh in the Medina which means the market downtown area in a lovely little Riyadh (which is another word for a private home) with a lovely central courtyard.
There was a roof deck with chaise lounges and we could hear a bird in the courtyard next door squawking. (I named him Kevin for the bird in the movie UP!, so every time he made noise I would say "Oh Kevin is really talking up a storm tonight!"
We visited the Marjorelle Gardens and were they stunning.  Created by Yves St. Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé; there were beautiful gardens and a Berber Museum. The Berber people are fascinating and they had everything from clothing to kohl eye shadow in mortar and pestles. We also saw beautiful jewelry and beekeeping props and tools.
Blue water fountain in Morocco
 I happened to have some product in my when the moment presented itself to take pictures in a beautiful location we were ready!
Gab in Morocco Mad Gabs Lip Balm
Prickly Pear Cactus in Morocco Lip Balm SPF 15 
My son Silas graduated from college last year, and has been working with me part time while he explores Europe and career paths. He helped me put together photo shoots on cacti and plants. His partner Liliana made a great model--especially with a dress that matched the gorgeous blue color found throughout the gardens!
Liliana at the photo shoot in Morocco
I managed to embarrass everyone by putting the kids on a staircase with a beautiful blue wall--which I suppose is every mother's right.

After Marrakesh, we went to a beautiful little beach town called Essaouira. It was a lovely break from the hustle and bustle of Marrakesh. The town was perched on the ocean with a working waterfront with a mixture of galleries and markets. 
It was Ramadan during our time in Marrakesh (a sacred Muslim holiday) and by the time we got to Solera it was Eid (which is the end of Ramadan) so there was a lot of celebrations, bells chiming and calls to prayer. 
I took a few videos on the beach in Essaouira near where Jimi Hendrix was rumored to have written Castles in the Sand (see photo above!)

How lucky was I to have spent nine days in a beautiful corner of Africa on a continent I've never visited with all of my people.
Highly recommend!
Happy Travels Everyone,
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1 comment

That looks awesome….and to spend that time with your favorite (good looking) people!!!
And….I love how you managed to coordinate your outfit with that cool bench!!!❤️

MaryAnn M. Pauley

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